10 Ways for Sensitive Therapists to Create Vision

10 Ways for Sensitive Therapists to Create Vision in their Practice

By Organize and Thrive | April 1, 2021

Create Vision Before Creating Goals

As Sensitive Therapists and business owners, we spend so much time and energy thinking about goals, we could probably write them in our sleep!

– As clinicians, we create goals with our clients to write treatment plans
– As business owners, we set goals for our business (i.e. I want to see x amount of clients or make x amount of money per year)

However, before we create those goals, it may be helpful to step back and first create vision to see the bigger picture. Otherwise, it may feel like being stuck inside a maze without any way to get out!

What it Means to Create Vision

In a recent podcast interview with Dr. Wendy Bruton, I described how vision is an idea, hope, or plan without limits or boundaries. A goal is 2D and linear, whereas a vision is in 3D. No idea is out of reach. It is the ability to be a creative problem-solver and see potential where others may not.

A vision can feel like a daydream or fantasy. It can be based on positive past experiences or hopes for the future. This may feel exciting to some or distressing to others.

If you identify as a Highly Sensitive Therapist (HST), there is a good chance that creating vision feels overwhelming. Does any of this sound familiar?

  • I’m risk-aware or averse and try to avoid negative consequences at all cost
  • I have a hard time with change or transitions
  • I feel overwhelmed when there are too many options
  • It takes so much time to think through all possible consequences of decisions, so I shut down because of overwhelm & overstimulation
  • I’d rather keep things “status quo” than risk making change

When Creating Vision Feels Overwhelming…

If you identify as a Detail-Oriented Hawk, you play by the rules; like order, structure, and routine; notice the smallest changes or mistakes that others miss; and are meticulous, thorough, and attentive.

These are wonderful qualities to have… and can make it difficult to think big when it comes to your Private Practice.

While the rest of this article is more aimed at Hawks, it may be helpful to take my archetype quiz to identify where you fall in the spectrum between Detail-Oriented Hawk, combination Chameleon, and Big-Picture Owl.

You may be unhappy with the current setup of your Private Practice, having doubts about certain business decisions, or wondering if your niche is actually a population you enjoy working with.

[Trust me, I’ve been there. In fact, let me share a little bit about my journey…]

Liz’s Journey

If you had asked me, “What is Your Vision as a Social Worker?” 10 years ago, my answer looked very different then compared to today.

  • 10 years ago: I was about to graduate with my MSW and Type 73 School Social Work certification. I saw myself moving from St. Louis, MO back to Chicago, IL and working as an elementary School Social Worker until I retired.
  • 5 years ago: I envisioned myself continuing to work in schools as a LCSW and RPT and also have a part-time Private Practice working with young children and families.
  • 3 years ago: I began to envision moving away from working with young children and shifting away from having my own Private Practice. In the same year, I learned that I was a HSP, started working with adolescents and young adults, and created Organize and Thrive to support therapists in their Private Practices.
  • Today: I am happily working for a small group practice so I can exclusively focus on using my clinical skills to support clients, and use my organization/ administrative strengths to continue to grow Organize and Thrive and support Highly Sensitive Therapists!

The vision that I had for myself as a newbie Social Worker is very different than the vision I have now. I struggled a lot while making these transitions, often questioning myself and wondering:

How can you be a Registered Play Therapist and not work with young children?

How can you support therapists in their Private Practices when you closed your PP?

The truth is, I sometimes still ask myself those questions. Then I remind myself that my experiences can’t be erased, and every decision I made and person I met has helped move me towards the place I am in today. I allowed myself to pivot, which has continued to open up opportunities for me.

Every time my vision changed, I had to Reflect, Reconnect, & Redirect. You can too!

1. Reflect on your initial & new visions. Ask yourself, 

When I first became a therapist, what was my 5 year plan? 10 year plan?
       – Did you hope to get licensed? Earn a special certification? Work in a school, agency, or Private Practice?
• When I decided to open my Private Practice, what were my hopes and dreams?
• How have my vision or goals changed (or stayed the same) as a therapist? What was that process like for me?

2. Reconnect to your feelings

• Listen to your gut and allow yourself to process anything that doesn’t feel quite right.
• Ask yourself,

What am I holding onto that you I could let go of?
• What’s holding me back?
• What support do you need to move forward?

[After lots of internal struggles and trying to push away the feelings that something was wrong, I finally allowed myself to admit, “I love kids, but I do not enjoy working with kids in the private practice setting. I love being a business owner, but I am uncomfortable with all the liability of having a therapy private practice.” I can’t begin to tell you the relief I felt when I actually listened to my inner voice and the feelings that had been creeping in for some time.]

3. Redirect focus and attention to your new vision

• Remember, change and transitions can be hard and scary. There may be a grieving period that you go through, especially if you decide to make a drastic change in your personal and/or professional life.

• However, changing direction may be exactly what you need. When you feel ready, allow yourself to move forward towards your new visions and goals!

We all Have the Ability to Create Vision!

As a Sensitive Therapist, creating vision for your Private Practice can feel overwhelming and daunting at times. However, it’s also necessary to help you move forward to meet and exceed your dreams.

If you are feeling overwhelmed and have no idea where to even start, try these ideas:

1. Spend time in your “calm place.” This could be a place in nature, in your home, at a store or destination where you feel  safe, calm, and grounded. Touch anything that your eye is drawn to, take pictures, and notice any smells or sounds. Incorporating all of the senses will inevitably activate something within you and cultivate creativity.

2. Create a Collage or Vision Board using magazine cutouts, Canva, Powerpoint, making a sandtray world, or draw a picture. Use your right brain to be as creative as you’d like! Remember, what you create can always be changed or adjusted. It may be helpful to frame your picture or take a screenshot and keep it as your phone or computer background

3. Choose a word, phrase, or motto that represents this vision or task. Write it down, create a picture, or find something online that you can save to have as a constant reminder.

4. Link your past/ current experience to your future hopes. Ask yourself, 

a. What do I want to feel like?
b. How do I want to feel in my body?
c. Who will be there with me?
d. What will be the same? What will be different?
e. What positive experiences from the past or present do I want to replicate? What do I want to be different.

5. Connect/ collaborate with a Big-Picture Owl or Chameleon (if you’re a Hawk) who can help you “zoom out” when it feels like you’re getting lost in the details.

6.Spend some time reflecting on these questions:

a. What do I want my life to look and feel like?
b. What do I want my business to look and feel like?
c. Who do I want to be in my community and in the world?”

Still not sure where to start?

Set up a clarity call with me (Liz), a Highly Sensitive Therapist + Consultant/ Coach + Detail- Oriented Hawk to see how I can help you and your practice.

I have created (and revised) my vision many, many times in the past 10 years, and I’d love to save you the guesswork and help you create the practice of your limitless dreams.

Liz Gray + Bailey the Mini Goldendoodle


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