Reset your system with a VIP Day

Systems are not 1 size fits all… and neither are you!

You are an overwhelmed therapist who dreams of hitting RESET. You are paralyzed by your never-ending to-do lists, drowning in paperwork, and behind on billing. You waste so much time, money, and energy on systems that just aren’t working. Your health, mental health, and business are suffering as a result.

What’s the solution? A VIP Day! During a customized VIP day with Liz, a Systems + Mindset Coach and “Organization Queen,” you will receive individualized support to create or revamp a system that has been causing you stress and wasting your valuable time.

We will create a clear roadmap based on your strengths and areas of growth and actually set up your system together. You will finally conquer the tasks you’ve been avoiding.

 VIP Day FAQs:

1. WHO can benefit from a VIP day?

Therapists from anywhere in the world are eligible for a customized 1:1 VIP day. If you find yourself intimidated by organization, overwhelmed in your practice, or constantly feeling behind, a VIP day may be for you.

Many therapists who I work with identify as Highly Sensitive and/or have a Private Practice, however, neither is a requirement to work with me. If you’re interested in a VIP day, please do not hesitate to reach out and we’ll decide together if it’s a good fit!

2. WHAT is a VIP day and what can you help me with?

 What to expect during your VIP Day:

1️⃣ CLARIFY your goals with a 20-min Clarity Call

2️⃣ CUSTOMIZE a roadmap with a 60-min planning session

3️⃣ COWORK together for our 3-hour VIP day

4️⃣ CREATE a plan for the future

Optional add-ons for follow-up support include: follow up sessions, lite email support, and a customized workbook made JUST for you!

 What we can accomplish during your VIP Day:

Some examples of systems we can create or revamp together include:

  • Creating scripts, templates, and funnels for contact with clients
  • Organizing your digital files (i.e. Dropbox, desktop, google drive)
  • Setting up your EHR and making all of your forms and assessments electronic
  • Updating your schedule, time management system, and tracking important due dates
  • Deciding which tasks to do yourself and which tasks to delegate
  • Money tracking
  • Organizing your paper files, desk, or office
  • Setting goals (i.e monthly, quarterly, annually)
  • Adjusting your schedule, environment, and business plan due to your sensitivity

 Make sure to check out this article as well as this one for more ideas!

3. WHEN do VIP days take place?

As a night owl, I would not subject you to “early morning Liz” (even on my best day)! I do my best work in the afternoon or evenings. VIP Days generally take place Wednesday or Sunday afternoons.

VIP Days are scheduled within 1-2 months of the initial Clarity Call. However, I understand that life happens, so you have up to 6 months from the time of purchase to redeem your VIP day.

4. WHERE will we meet?

I live in Chicago, IL, however, my online business allows me to work with clients from all over the world! After you sign up for a VIP day, you will receive a zoom link. You are welcome to be at home, your office, outside, a coworking setting- basically anywhere as long as it’s quiet, private, and has a strong internet connection!

5. WHY should I sign up? What are the benefits?

Save Time. Let’s say your new & improved system saves you just 5 minutes a day. That’s 2.3 hours (the equivalent to $250-$500) per MONTH! What would you do with all that extra time and money??

Decrease Stress. Imagine you woke up tomorrow and the dreaded task you’ve been avoiding for weeks or months was no longer an issue. Think about the relief and weight lifted off your shoulders! No more beating up on yourself for procrastinating and no more sinking deeper into your hole of backlog.

Hit RESET. After your VIP day, you will have a system in place that works harder than you. I will help you create- or revamp- a system that is tailored to your individual strengths and struggles. You will finally hit that RESET you have been waiting for.

Additional questions (because I know you’re wondering…)

6. How much does a VIP day cost?

The investment for a VIP day starts at $1,200. Spend some money up-front, dig into the discomfort together, and come out on the other side saving light years of energy, time, and money. Is it worth the investment? You bet!

7. Why should I work with Liz?

I’m Liz, and I help overwhelmed therapists shift their mindset & create systems to honor their unique personality and leverage their sensitivity.

I am a LCSW and have worked in many different settings (schools, agencies, group practices, and solo private practice). I LOVE to organize, I LOVE to be creative, and I LOVE to connect with others. If you’re on the fence, let’s chat and learn more about each other!

If you need help creating or updating your system(s)… and feel like you’re at your

breaking point… don’t waste 1 more day in overwhelm and stress.

Click below to reserve your spot!

Warmly, Liz Gray + Bailey the Mini Goldendoodle


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